Data model
Database tables structure and relative relationships between tables
We advise starting development from a proper data structure. Every module has its own database. You should describe the structure of tables on models classes according to the Phalcon models documentations. Describe every column with its type using metadata annotations and organize data relationships between other tables.
Creating a new data model
The model files are described in the directory "Models":
The description of the model is reduced to the description of the metadata of the database table.
Create a file named "QuestionsQuality.php" and Extend from ModulesModelsBase:
Adding a description of the table metadata. Class properties - column names. In the comments, we describe the type of value.
In this example, we have described the following fields:
id - Required fields, primary key (type integer).
question - Field for the description of the question text (type string)
priority - Required fields for ordering questions
disabled - boolean, allows you to mark the question as irrelevant, note that the boolean is described as integer (0 or 1)
The function "initialize" describes the name of the table "m_QuestionsList" in module the database.
The table name "m_QuestionsList" must be unique within the module
The class name "QuestionsQuality" must be unique within the module
Using the model
After describing the model, you need to package the module in a ZIP archive and re-install it. The table will be created only after the installation is completed.
The module database (sqlite3) will be created using the following path:
To check for a new table, run:
sqlite3 /storage/usbdisk1/mikopbx/custom_modules/ModuleTemplate/db/module.db .tables
where "ModuleTemplate" is the name of the module
Last updated
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