Configuring IDE

Debug settings

Go to "Settings" - "Preferences" - "PHP" - "Debug"

Setup xDebug:

Setup Advanced settings

Go to "Settings" - "Preferences" - "PHP" - "Debug" - "DBGp Proxy"

Setup Deployment

  1. Run "Tools" - "Deployment" - "Browse Remote Hosts" to open the panel "Remote Host"

  2. Enable "Tools" - "Deployment" - "Automatic Upload"

  3. Go to "Tools" - "Deployment" - "Configuration..."

  4. Add new SFTP connection

  5. Setup mappings

Main catalogs MikoPBX

  • /usr/www - Core files

  • /storage/usbdisk1/mikopbx/custom_modules - directory for storing modules

  • /storage/usbdisk1/mikopbx/custom_modules/ModulePhoneBook the PhoneBook module will be stored in this directory

Example of mapping settings:

Let's say a local directory with Core: /Users/alexeyportnov/project/pbx_miko/!Core

Local directory with modules: /Users/alexeyportnov/project/pbx_miko/modules,

Then the mapping settings will be as follows:

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