Module interface

The user interface is described based on the "Volt: Template Engine".

Add editable table

The first step is to add a description of the table to *Controller.php class:

├── agi-bin
└── App
    └── Controllers
        └── ModuleTemplateController.php

In function "getTablesDescription" add a description of the table:

   private function getTablesDescription():array
        $description = [];
        $description['QuestionsQuality'] = [
            'cols' => [
                'rowIcon'    => ['header' => '', 'class' => 'collapsing', 'icon' => 'question circle'],
                'priority'   => ['header' => '', 'class' => 'collapsing'],
                'question'   => ['header' => 'Text question',  'class' => 'ten wide'],
                'delButton'  => ['header' => '', 'class' => 'collapsing']
            'ajaxUrl' => '/getNewRecords',
            'icon' => 'user',
            'needDelButton' => true

        return $description;
  • "QuestionsQuality" - name of the model class

  • "question" - name of the property described in the model

  • "priority" - the name of the property described in the model opens the possibility to change the order of lines in the module interface

  • "delButton" - service field, adds the"delete" button

  • "icon" - service field, adds an icon to the beginning of the row

Edit the index.volt file:

├── agi-bin
└─── App
    ├── Controllers
    ├── Forms
    └── Views
        └── index.volt

Need add:

<div class="ui grid">
    <div class="ui row">
        <div class="ui five wide column">
            {{ link_to("#", '<i class="add user icon"></i>  '~t._('module_phnbk_AddNewRecord'), "class": "ui blue button", "id":"add-new-row", "id-table":"QuestionsQuality-table") }}
<table id="QuestionsQuality-table" class="ui small very compact single line table"></table>
  • Need replace "Questions Quality" with the name of the model class.

Go to the web interface of the module. The table will be displayed

Last updated

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