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MikoPBX on Google Cloud Marketplace:

Let's start with the setup

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Adding roles to a Service account

If you have a service account, check if it has the necessary roles, and add them if needed

If you do not have a service account, create one and add the necessary roles

  1. Open the Navigation menu / Products & solutions / Management / IAM & Admin

  2. Go to the Service accounts tab and click on CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT

  3. Enter a name for the service account, for example mikopbx-service-account

  4. Click the CREATE AND CONTINUE button

  1. Add the roles Cloud Infrastructure Manager Agent, Compute Admin, Compute Network Admin, Service Account User

  1. Click the DONE button

Creating a virtual machine

  1. Open the Marketplace and enter MikoPBX in the search bar

  2. Select the MikoPBX image

  3. On the opened tab select LAUNCH

  1. In the Deployment name field, enter a name, for example mikopbx-vm

  2. In the Deployment Service Account section, check the Existing account option and select the previously created service account

To deploy the PBX, use two disks:

  • A 1 GB disk for the main system

  • A 50+ GB disk for storing call recordings

  1. If necessary, change the size of the data storage disk in the Data Storage section. By default, its size is 50 GB

  1. Under Networking, all required Firewall rules are configured automatically

  1. For other fields, use the default values

  2. After entering the values, click the DEPLOY button

Starting MikoPBX

  1. Open the Compute Engine tab and go to the Virtual machines / VM Instance section

  2. Go to the created virtual machine mikopbx-vm-mikopbx-vm

  3. On the opened tab, go to Logs / Serial port 1 (console)

  1. Copy the external address of the created virtual machine and enter it in the browser address bar

  2. Use the login and password provided in Serial port 1 (console) to log in

Last updated