Google Cloud deployment guide

Authorize on the platform

Let's start configuring

For quick and convenient navigation on the Google Cloud platform, use the search pane

Creating storage

  1. Open Navigation menu / Products & solutions / Storage / Cloud Storage

  2. On the Cloud Storage tab select Create

  3. Enter the storage name, for example miko-images

  4. Use default values for other fields

  5. After entering the values, click the Create button

  1. Open the created miko-images storage

  2. On the opened tab select UPLOAD FILES

  3. Upload the file from the MikoPBX distribution with the .vhd extension

  4. Wait for the file upload to complete

Connecting Cloud Build API

  1. Open Navigation menu / APIs & Services / Library / Google Enterprise API / Cloud Build API

  2. On the opened tab select ENABLE

Check the roles for the Cloud Build service account:

  1. Select your Google Cloud project

  2. Check the Include Google-provided role grants checkbox

  3. In the table, find the row with the email address ending with

  4. Select Edit principal

  5. The roles to be granted to the Cloud Build service account are Compute Admin and Service Account User

If the required roles are not present, add them and click SAVE

Connecting Compute Engine API

  1. Open Navigation menu / APIs & Services / Library / Google Enterprise API / Compute Engine API

  2. On the opened tab select ENABLE

Creating an image

  1. Open Navigation menu / Products & solutions / Compute / Compute Engine

  2. Go to the Storage / Images section

  3. Select CREATE IMAGE to create a new image

  4. Enter the image name, for example mikopbx-new-image

  5. Specify the source type - Virtual disk (VMDK, VHD)

  6. Select Virtual disk file under the BROWSE link, Browse / miko-images / .vhd

  7. Uncheck the Install guest packages checkbox

  8. In the Operating system on virtual disk field specify - No operating system. Data only.

  9. Use default values for other fields

  10. After entering the values, click the Create button and wait for the image creation to complete

Creating a virtual machine

  1. In the Compute Engine tab go to the Virtual machines / VM Instance section


  3. Enter the virtual machine name, for example mikopbx-vm

  1. In the Machine configuration / General purpose table select Series - N1

  1. In the Machine type section choose Shared-core / f1-micro from the dropdown menu

To deploy the PBX use two disks:

  • A 1 Gb disk for the main system

  • A 50+ Gb disk for storing call recordings

  1. In the Boot disk section select CHANGE

  2. On the opened tab go to CUSTOM IMAGES

  3. In the Image field select the previously created mikopbx-new-image

  4. Use default values for other fields on the tab

  5. Click the SELECT button

  1. In the Advanced options / Disks section select ADD NEW DISK

  2. On the opened tab enter the disk name for data storage, for example disk-storage-mikopbx

  3. Specify the disk size of at least 50GB

  4. Use default values for other fields on the tab

  5. Click the SAVE button

If you have an SSH key, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Advanced options / Security / MANAGE ACCESS section, select ADD ITEM

  2. Specify it in the SSH key field

If you don't have an SSH key, proceed directly to step 18

  1. Use default values for other fields

  2. After entering the values, click the CREATE button

Configuring ports for incoming connections

  1. Open Navigation menu / VPC network / Firewall

  2. Select CREATE FIREWALL RULE to create a new rule for incoming connections

  3. Enter the name of the new rule, for example internal-allow

  1. Specify Direction of traffic - Ingress

  2. Specify Targets

  3. From the Source filter dropdown menu select IPV4 ranges and in the Source IPv4 ranges field enter

  1. In the Protocols and ports section check the TCP (Ports - 0-65535) and UDP (Ports - 0-65535) checkboxes

  1. Use default values for other fields

  2. After entering the values, click the CREATE button

Make sure to configure the Firewall on the MikoPBX

Starting MikoPBX

  1. Open the Compute Engine tab and go to the Virtual machines / VM Instance section

  2. Go to the created virtual machine mikopbx-vm

  3. On the opened tab navigate to Logs / Serial port 1 (console)

  1. Copy the external address of the created virtual machine and enter it in the browser's address bar

  2. For login use the login and password provided in Serial port 1 (console)

Last updated