exten => _X!,1,NoOp()
same => n,Set(NEED_RETURN=0)
; We describe the list of providers
same => n,Set(PUSH(rrItem)=SIP-1601534775)
same => n,Set(PUSH(rrItem)=SIP-1611151795)
same => n,Set(PUSH(rrItem)=SIP-1681205343)
; Maximum number of simultaneous calls over the line
same => n,Set(busyLevel=50)
; Checking if there is a provider in the list.
same => n,ExecIf($[ "${FIELDNUM(rrItem,\,,${PROVIDER_ID})}" == "0" ]?return)
; If the ID of the priority provider is determined, then immediately proceed to verification.
same => n,GotoIf($[ "${rrElement}x" != "x" ]?check)
; Initializing an array
same => n,Set(rrArray=${EMPTY})
same => n,Set(i=${SHIFT(rrItem)})
same => n,While(1)
same => n,ExecIf($[ "${i}x" == "x" ]?ExitWhile())
same => n,ExecIf($[ "${rrArray}x" != "x" ]?Set(rrArray=${rrArray},))
same => n,ExecIf($[ "${GLOBAL(${i})}x" == "x" ]?Set(GLOBAL(${i})=0))
same => n,Set(rrArray=${rrArray}${i}:${GLOBAL(${i})})
same => n,Set(i=${SHIFT(rrItem)})
same => n,EndWhile
; Finding an item with a lower weight
same => n,Set(rrArray=${SORT(${rrArray})})
same => n,Set(rrElement=${SHIFT(rrArray)})
same => n,While(1)
same => n,ExecIf($[ $[${GROUP_COUNT(${rrElement})} < ${busyLevel}] ]?ExitWhile())
same => n,ExecIf($[ "${rrElement}x" == "x" ]?ExitWhile())
same => n,NoOp( ${rrElement} - is busy)
same => n,Set(rrElement=${SHIFT(rrArray)})
same => n,EndWhile
same => n,NoOp(--- ${rrElement} ---)
; Checking whether the provider matches
same => n(check),ExecIf($[ "${PROVIDER_ID}x" != "${rrElement}x" ]?Set(NEED_RETURN=1))
same => n,ExecIf($[ "${PROVIDER_ID}x" != "${rrElement}x" ]?return)
; Increasing the counter
same => n,Set(GLOBAL(${rrElement})=$[${GLOBAL(${rrElement})} + 1])
; The counter of active calls through the provider
same => n,Set(GROUP()=${rrElement})
same => n,return
In the lines of the form "Set(PUSH(rrItem)=SIP-1601534775)", the ids of providers are listed, among which outgoing ones should be evenly distributed. The ID can be copied in the browser's address bar when editing the provider. The "busyLevel" variable defines the maximum allowed number of simultaneous calls through the provider.
For each provider, you will need to describe the outgoing route. The template in the routes must be the same.