Conference with a regular external subscriber

  • Let's say a conference room with the number "354233" is configured on the PBX.

  • When calling an employee(s) to a conference, it is always necessary to connect an external subscriber.

  • When disconnecting employees from the conference, the external subscriber must be disconnected

This may be required to organize communication with an external (relative to MIKOPBX) conference. It will allow saving on outgoing calls (only one line will be occupied).

  1. In the "Telephony" section, go to "Conference" and create a new conference.

  1. We will indicate the name of the room "Z-CONF-354233"

  1. We will indicate the internal number "354233"

  1. Let's describe the "Dialplan Application" (see Dialplan Applications)

  1. Name "Z-Worker-CONF"

  1. The number to call "2200103" (can be arbitrary)

  1. Specify the code type "PHP-AGI script"

  1. Programme code:


require_once 'Globals.php';

use MikoPBX\Core\System\Util;
use \MikoPBX\Core\Asterisk\AGI;
use \MikoPBX\Core\Asterisk\AsteriskManager;

function checkStartConf(){
    $Z_DTMF         = '354233';
    $Z_PROVIDER_ID  = 'SIP-1601534775';
    $Z_DST          = '37127776675';

    $am = new AsteriskManager();

    $confEmpty = true;
    $confChannelFound = false;
    $data = $am->meetMeCollectInfo($Z_DTMF);
    foreach ($data as $channelData){
        $value = $am->GetVar($channelData['Channel'], 'ZDTMF', null, false);
            // This is the conference channel.
            $confChannelFound = true;
            // There is an end user channel.
            $confEmpty = false;

    if($confChannelFound === false && $confEmpty === false){
        // You need to connect to an external conference.

    }elseif ($confChannelFound === true && $confEmpty === true){
        $asteriskCmd = Util::which('asterisk');
        Util::mwExec("{$asteriskCmd} -rx 'meetme kick {$Z_DTMF} all'");

$action = $argv[1]??'';
if($action === 'start'){
    $pid = Util::getPidOfProcess(basename($argv[0])." start$", getmypid());
        $killCmd = Util::which('kill');
        Util::mwExec("{$killCmd} {$pid}");
    while (true){
    $agi = new AGI();
  1. Edit the file "/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root" via the System files Customization menu

  1. Adding the task to the end of the file:

*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/php -f /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/DIALPLAN-APP-EC12CFAE6783FE82FD34F16E40C7386B.php start > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

In this example, "DIALPLAN-APP-EC12CFAE6783FE82FD34F16E40C7386B" is the ID of the previously created application. The ID can be peeped in the browser address bar when editing the application.

  1. We will describe additional contexts through the Customization of system files menu. We will edit the extensions.conf file.

  1. Add the following code to the end of the file:

exten => _X!,1,Ringing()
  same => n,Gosub(${ISTRANSFER}dial,${EXTEN},1)
  same => n,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}@${ZPROVIDERID},600,${DOPTIONS}TKU(z-dial-answer)b(dial_create_chan,s,1))
  same => n,ExecIf($["${ISTRANSFER}x" != "x"]?Gosub(${ISTRANSFER}dial_hangup,${EXTEN},1))
  same => n,Set(pt1c_UNIQUEID=${EMPTY_VALUE})
  same => n,ExecIf($["${BLINDTRANSFER}x" != "x"]?AGI(check_redirect.php,${BLINDTRANSFER}))
  same => n,Hangup()

exten => s,1,NoOp(Answered send DTMF...)
  same => n,Gosub(dial_answer,${EXTEN},1)
  same => n,SendDTMF(${ZDTMF})
  same => n,return
exten => _X!,1,Answer()
  same => n,Meetme(${EXTEN},qdMTr)
  same => n,Hangup()

When calling the conference number 354233, an external subscriber with the number 37127776675 will automatically connect. As soon as the subscriber answers, the extension number 354233 will be dialed. As soon as all the "internal" participants have left the conference, the external subscriber will be disconnected.

The task in the crown is needed only for additional "protection", in fact it is a restart of the php script every minute

Last updated