
Loading the MikoPBX image

  1. Open the local / ISO images tab and select Download from URL

  2. In the URL field, paste the link to the MikoPBX distribution file with the .iso extension

  3. Click the Download button and wait for the file to finish downloading

Creating a virtual machine

  1. Select Create VM

  2. On the General tab, enter the name of the virtual machine, for example mikopbx-vm

  1. Go to the OS tab, and in the ISO image field, select the previously downloaded image

  2. Set the OS type to Linux

  1. On the System tab, uncheck the Qemu Agent box, and use the default values for other fields

To deploy the PBX use two disks:

  • A 1 Gb disk for the main system

  • A 50+ Gb disk for storing call recordings

  1. Go to the Disks tab

  2. Adjust the size of the system disk to 1 GB

  1. Click the Add button and add an additional disk for data storage

  2. Specify a disk size of at least 50 GB

  1. On the CPU and Memory tabs, specify the computing resources for the virtual machine based on the expected load on the PBX. For a test machine, you can set Cores (CPU tab) to 2 and Memory (Memory tab) to 2 GB

  1. On the Network tab, uncheck the Firewall box

  1. Go to the last tab, Confirm, and check the Start after created box

  2. After entering the values, click the Finish button

Installing MikoPBX

  1. Go to the created virtual machine mikopbx-vm

  2. On the open tab, go to the Console section

  3. If the boot is successful, a console menu will appear. Enter 8 from the keyboard to start the installation

  1. Select the disk for the system and enter the disk name from the keyboard, for example sda. Confirm the selection by entering y from the keyboard

  1. Connect the disk for storing call recordings, enter the disk name for connection from the keyboard, for example sdb

When the message "Press any key within 30 seconds to boot from LiveCD..." appears, do not press any buttons. In this case, the system will boot from the hard drive.

Starting MikoPBX

  1. On the open tab in the Console section, copy the external address of the created virtual machine and enter it in the browser address bar

  1. To log in, use the username - admin and password - admin

Last updated