Monitoring Providers on MikoPBX

When working with telecom service providers, issues may occasionally arise. For example, the provider's server might become unresponsive or unavailable. This article provides a mechanism for notifying the system administrator via email.

To enable notifications, you will need to configure the SMTP client. See instructions in the section "Mail and Notifications".

  1. Create a new "Dialplan Application".

  1. Enter a name (e.g., Blacklist), a short number for the application (e.g., 99), and select "Code Type" - "PHP AGI Script".

  1. Go to the "Program Code" tab:

  1. Insert the following code:

use MikoPBX\Common\Models\PbxSettings;
use MikoPBX\Common\Models\LanInterfaces;
use MikoPBX\Core\System\Notifications;
use MikoPBX\PBXCoreREST\Lib\SIPStackProcessor;

require_once 'Globals.php';

$result = SIPStackProcessor::callBack(['action' => 'getRegistry']);
$adminMail = null;
$localIP = '';
$message = '';
foreach ($result->data as $provider) {
    if ($provider['state'] !== 'OFF' && $provider['state'] !== 'REGISTERED') {
        if ($adminMail === null) {
            $adminMail = PbxSettings::getValueByKey('SystemNotificationsEmail');
            $interfaces = LanInterfaces::find("disabled='0'");
            foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
                if (!empty($interface->ipaddr)) {
                    $localIP = $interface->ipaddr;
        $message .= "Provider state: {$provider['state']}<br>" . "Url (local): ']} <br><br>";

if (!empty($message) && !empty($adminMail)) {
    $notify = new Notifications();
    try {
        $notify->sendMail($adminMail, 'Provider invalid state...', $message);
    } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  1. Save the changes and copy the dialplan application identifier from the browser's address bar. It will look like "DIALPLAN-APP-CF967EE0".

  1. Go to SystemCustomizing System Files and open the file /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root for editing.

  1. Select the mode "Append to the end of the file", and in the black editing field at the bottom, insert the following code:

Adjust the file name according to your dialplan application identifier "DIALPLAN-APP-CF967EE0

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php -f /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/DIALPLAN-APP-9С060381.php start > /dev/null 2> /dev/null 

Save the changes.

You're done!

Last updated