Migrating MikoPBX to Another Server

Option №1

  1. Perform a Backup of your current MikoPBX following this guide.

  2. Install MikoPBX on the new server. Follow the steps in this guide.

  3. Upload the previously created MikoPBX backup to the new server following this guide.

Option №2

If the data size is large, it's practical to save the backup directly on the target machine. Here's the process:

  1. Install MikoPBX on the new machine.

  2. On the original MikoPBX, set up Scheduled Backups.

  3. Ensure the connection is via SFTP.

  4. Username and password should be those used for SSH connection.

  5. Set the Path on the server to "/storage/usbdisk1/mikopbx/backup/".

  6. Wait for the backup to complete.

  7. Shut down the original machine.

  8. On the target machine, perform a Restore from Backup.

Option №3

Manual data migration script.

# MikoPBX - free phone system for small business
# Copyright © 2017-2024 Alexey Portnov and Nikolay Beketov
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
# If not, see <>.

type "$SYNC_APP" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
if [ "$?" = '1' ];then

# Copy SSH keys to avoid multiple password entries.
#if [ ! -f "$rsaPubKey" ];then
#  dropbearkey -y -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key | grep "^ssh-rsa" > "$rsaPubKey";
#ssh "$PBX_HOST" -p "$SSH_PORT" "echo >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && echo '$(cat "$rsaPubKey")' >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && nohup sh -c 'killall dropbear && /usr/sbin/dropbear -p $SSH_PORT' 2>&1 &";
#ssh "$PBX_HOST" -p "$SSH_PORT" 'sqlite3 /cf/conf/mikopbx.db .tables';

# Dump.
ssh "$PBX_HOST" -p "$SSH_PORT" "sqlite3 $CONF_DB_FILE .dump > $STORAGE_PBX_DIR/tmp/mikopbx.db.dmp";
# Copy dump to local machine.
"$SYNC_APP" "$PBX_HOST":"$STORAGE_PBX_DIR/tmp/mikopbx.db.dmp" "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR/tmp/mikopbx.db.dmp"
# Restore the database from dump.
sqlite3 "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR/tmp/mikopbx.db" < "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR/tmp/mikopbx.db.dmp";
# Move the restored database.
mv "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR/tmp/mikopbx.db" "$CONF_DB_FILE";
# Clean up temporary files.
rm -rf "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR/tmp/mikopbx.db";
ssh "$PBX_HOST" -p "$SSH_PORT" "rm -rf $STORAGE_PBX_DIR/tmp/mikopbx.db";

# Disable providers on the local machine.
sqlite3 "$CONF_DB_FILE" "UPDATE m_Sip SET disabled='1' WHERE type='friend'"

# Copy media files from the remote machine.
# Copy custom modules from the remote machine.
"$SYNC_APP" -r "$PBX_HOST":"$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/custom_modules/* "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/custom_modules

# Copy call history.
# Dump.
ssh "$PBX_HOST" -p "$SSH_PORT" "sqlite3 $STORAGE_PBX_DIR/astlogs/asterisk/cdr.db .dump > $STORAGE_PBX_DIR/astlogs/asterisk/cdr.db.dmp";
# Copy dump to local machine.
"$SYNC_APP" -r "$PBX_HOST":"$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astlogs/asterisk/cdr.db.dmp "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astlogs/asterisk/cdr.db.dmp;
# Restore the call history database from dump.
sqlite3 "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astlogs/asterisk/cdrdb.tmp < "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astlogs/asterisk/cdr.db.dmp;
# Remove the current call history database.
rm -rf "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astlogs/asterisk/cdr.db*;
# Move the restored database.
mv "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astlogs/asterisk/cdrdb.tmp "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astlogs/asterisk/cdr.db;

# Clean up temporary files.
rm -rf "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astlogs/asterisk/cdr.db.dmp;
ssh "$PBX_HOST" -p "$SSH_PORT" "rm -rf $STORAGE_PBX_DIR/astlogs/asterisk/cdr.db.dmp";

# Update SQLite3 database structure.
php -r 'require_once "Globals.php"; use MikoPBX\Core\System\Upgrade\UpdateDatabase; $dbUpdater = new UpdateDatabase(); $dbUpdater->updateDatabaseStructure();'

# Copy call recordings.
"$SYNC_APP" -r "$PBX_HOST":"$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astspool/monitor "$STORAGE_PBX_DIR"/astspool/monitor

Last updated